NC Hotlines:
NC Hotlines:
COVID-19 (1-866-462-3821) United Way (2-1-1) Duke Health (919-385-0429)
National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A CHILD
National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-4-A CHILD
SAFEchild: (919) 743-6140
SAFEchild: (919) 743-6140
Developmental Evaluation Center: (919) 662-4600
Developmental Evaluation Center: (919) 662-4600
Triangle Family Services: (919) 821-0790
Triangle Family Services: (919) 821-0790
Project Enlightenment: Main office (919) 856-7774 or Talkline (free) 856-7800
Project Enlightenment: Main office (919) 856-7774 or Talkline (free) 856-7800
Child Care Resource and Referral of Wake County: (919) 832-7175
Child Care Resource and Referral of Wake County: (919) 832-7175
Wake Teen Medical Services: (919) 828-0035
Wake Teen Medical Services: (919) 828-0035
Child Protective Services, Wake County Human Services: (M–F , 8:00 am.-5:00 pm.) (919) 212-7430
Child Protective Services, Wake County Human Services: (M–F , 8:00 am.-5:00 pm.) (919) 212-7430
Health Department, Wake County Human Services: Main number (919) 212-7000 or Child Health Clinic (919) 250-4570
Health Department, Wake County Human Services: Main number (919) 212-7000 or Child Health Clinic (919) 250-4570
United Way Telephone Referral Service: 211
United Way Telephone Referral Service: 211
HOPELine: (free 24-hour crisis line) (919) 231-4525
HOPELine: (free 24-hour crisis line) (919) 231-4525
Teen Talkline: (M-F , 4:00-8:00 pm.) (919) 231-3626
Teen Talkline: (M-F , 4:00-8:00 pm.) (919) 231-3626
PhoneFriend: (M-F, 3:00-6:00 pm. & Teacher Workdays) (919) 231-3939
PhoneFriend: (M-F, 3:00-6:00 pm. & Teacher Workdays) (919) 231-3939
Interact: Administrative offices (919) 828-7501 or Crisis line (919) 828-7740
Interact: Administrative offices (919) 828-7501 or Crisis line (919) 828-7740
Mental Health Services, Wake County Human Services:
Mental Health Services, Wake County Human Services:
Children (919) 212-8400
Children (919) 212-8400
Adults (919) 250-3100
Adults (919) 250-3100
Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina: (919) 829-8009
Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina: (919) 829-8009
The Exchange CAP Center: (919) 834-8687
The Exchange CAP Center: (919) 834-8687